
[Blender] Quick Node Access

2 ratings

[Blender] Quick Node Access

2 ratings

This is an add-on for Blender 2.80+ and 2.79, that adds a new panel to the material properties tab (the one with the material slots).

It lets you pin any nodes that you want on that panel so you can reach them more easily and quickly -- useful in hairy situations, for example.


You add material nodes to that panel by selecting them in the node editor and then using either the "Add Selected Nodes" button or the Nodes > Add to Quick Access Panel* menu from the node editor header.

Once on the panel, you can expand \ collapse node boxes, reorder them and remove them (this doesn't delete the actual nodes, just their entries on the panel).

Saving your scene will store the state of the panel as custom data in each material, so it'll stay the way you want to.

* The operator for this menu is quicknodeaccess.add_selected -- it can be added to a shortcut, pie menu etc.


  • 0.5.2
    Added a ported to 2.80+ in the download files.
  • 0.5.1
    Tweak: make newly added nodes appear at the end of the panel.
  • 0.5
    Initial release.

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